Lending Library

You are welcome to browse our online catalog and read descriptions of the books: go to https://www.librarything.com/catalog/spiritfood

Click the “Books” button near the top left as seen in this screenshot: 

You can see we have 377 books already catalogued, with more to come! You can use the other buttons in this area to view by covers, or to change the display method (which columns to show etc) – this defaults to “Member” but you can try A B C D or E styles.

You can click on the names at the top of each column to sort by, for example, title, ISBN, Dewey number, or author). See the screenshot below:

To search for a book in our library, use the search box near the top right that says “Search this library”. It’s easy to confuse this with the “Search site” area which will give you books from other people’s libraries. See the screenshot below:

Other options are available using Librarything, including discussion groups. Feel free to explore!